From our beginning in 1861, when the firm produced "Plain, Moulded & Cut Flint Glass Ware in all its Varieties," to today's products “Engineered for Tomorrow’s Technology,” Gillinder Glass has produced custom glassware known for its quality, durability, color, and clarity. When the Company began manufacturing glass chimneys and chemical glassware, we could not have known what the advent of electric lighting would do for our business. Today, our products are incorporated into the best lighting products in the world. Throughout it all, one thing has remained constant; Gillinder's committed to making the Company the leader in the development and production of specialty glass and custom molded components designed to enhance and protect the technology of our customers. During the American Centennial year of 1876, the Gillinder built an exhibition glass factory on Philadelphia's Centennial fairgrounds.
Visitors could see huge glass melting pots as well as the actual production of glass Centennial souvenirs. The factory was a tremendous success and one of the exhibition's most popular attractions. Today, examples of Gillinder glass can be found in numerous collections, private and public, including those at the Museum of American Glass, the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The firm also recreated historic lighting glassware for the Library of Congress.

In 1912, Gillinder Glass moved to Port Jervis, New York, and continued to evolve as one of the premier manufacturers of specially developed glass products for the developing electric light industry. Gillinder is now in its third century of providing high quality glass products with friendly service, growing from a single-focus local business to a world leader of pressed glass in multiple markets. This winning policy is evident today as Gillinder Glass continues manufacturing to the highest industry standards. Components for lighting and other applications are provided to many domestic and international market segments including airfields, aerospace and defense, architectural, commercial, industrial, landscape, theatrical, and transportation. Each product is backed with over 150 years of quality and know-how.
Gillinder Glass has been in the same building in Port Jervis since 1921. Upon entering the historic facade is a modern company whose roots are deep but whose sights are set on a bright future. While 21st century technology, (from state-of-the-art mixing and tempering facilities, to computer-aided presses, to our on-site mold making facility) defines our facility's infrastructure, it is our experienced staff that is the root of the high quality glass products and engineered solutions we offer today. We welcome the opportunity to serve you today and in the years to come.
Recently a local historian reached out to us after coming across an old Gillinder desk lamp that belonged to her father. Lauren said her father had a habit of choosing “significant” items to store away.
Gillinder started to manufacture these blown cased shades as well as other cased shades in the mid to late 70s. Cased glass is composed of two layers of different colored glass, with the inside generally a dense opal. The dense opal was gathered first, then the core ball was blown, then it was covered with the second color, a green or amber hue. Gillinder continued to make these into the mid 80s.

Do you have a story to share about Gillinder Glass?
Tell us your story and send images to: cjansure@gillinderglass.com.

This photo was sent to us from Ken when he came across his great grandfather, George Schauer’s, employee badge and this commemorative Gillinder box. George’s badge was issued in the 1930's and the bicentennial commemorative box was issued in 1976.
The factory updated the box's design in the 1990’s (removing the dates from the sides) and sold them in the Gillinder store for many years.