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Gillinder Glass Focuses on Product Design & Development Projects

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

Gillinder Glass continues to expand with new product development projects through R & D work brought forth by existing and new customer bases. Product design work has become a focus for the Gillinder Glass team and collaborating with clients through their R & D process and assist in designing new products for launch. Implementing design concepts, custom details, and new glass compositions to meet customer needs is a specialty for Gillinder and their team of experienced engineers.

The Gillinder Glass Manufacturing facility incorporates an in-house mold and design shop to facilitate new production or refurbishing of molds. Customers benefit from internal capabilities to assist in development of the product design. Special collaboration with our mold makers ensures designing superior quality parts that meet customer specifications can be produced with the most economic value and competitive advantage. Each set of customer molds are propriety property and warehoused in an atmospherically controlled storage area. After each use, molds are inspected and maintained to ensure consistent production of the highest quality glass. Through the R & D process, there are various requirements for product testing and performance metrics. Gillinder’s fully equipped R & D, Technology and Quality Control Lab assist in these efforts in evaluating newly designed products through all development stages. Examples of testing equipment include a Refractometer to measure and identify the refraction index, and Spectroradiometer to measure chromaticity and intensity in shaped glass. Gillinder’s team of engineers will collaborate and offer design change options to enhance performance, quality characteristics, and production efficiencies for optimum development. Custom designed gauges ensure adherence to critical tolerances and consistently produced quality products.

Gillinder Glass continues to lead the industry in the manufacturing of pressed and molded technical glass solutions. Customers recognize the value of a hands-on approach, domestic partnership, and minimal lead times Gillinder offers in this crucial age for accurate and confident sourcing. New product development, custom design work, and glass innovations make Gillinder Glass the trusted source for your next glass design project.


Press Contact: Christina Jansure, VP of Sales – Industrial/Commercial Markets

For any inquiries, please call us at 845-856-5375 or email at


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